British Mindfulness Academy

British Mindfulness Academy
Tel +44 (0) 20 3582 6529
'Beyond Mindfulness' - Workshops and Courses
Designed for Individuals who want to:
Experience what happens when practicing Mindfulness at the deepest levels.
Increase their Consciousness / Awareness.
Delve deeper into their Spiritual growth and expression.
Discover and live from their Pure Essence / Core Being / Higher Self.
*This course is suitable for all levels - beginner to advanced learners who have an interest in the outcomes listed above.

Course Overview
Curriculum covers:
Achieve and align with the true purpose and state of Mindfulness and Meditation.
Applied Mindfulness: Learn and experience the 'Deep Road of Mindfulness' and how to integrate these practices into everyday life.
Learn how to use Thought correctly in your Life.
How Neuroscience has validated Ancient Wisdom.
How to bring the state of Flow into your life - Flow is known as 'The Psychology of Happiness'.
How to access your Life Energy / Higher Self / Soul / Spirit / Real Self / Core Being within and and then live from it, in everyday life.
Practical techniques to increase your Vibrations to increase Consciousness and Awareness.
Use this state of Increased Consciousness for Manifesting the life you want.
Actual Guided Meditation practice, available for download
What others say about this course?
Here's what former attendees say about the courses:
I loved this course. I had been wanting to do this course for such a long time and it's the best decision I made to finally go and do it. I loved the energy of the teachers and all of their wisdom and knowledge. Carmel was our main teacher and was always so lovely, kind, approachable and has so much knowledge and wisdom to share. It was also great to connect with so many other like minded people.
Sonia, 2023
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Here's what former attendees say about the courses:
Carmel has a way of teaching that is uniquely professional but also elicits people’s real selves. People felt safe to share experiences because they felt accepted for who they are. This allowed for personal growth, I have grown tremendously, I have a deeper sense of awareness of my self and in life around me. I cannot thank Carmel enough for teaching me all the wonderful mindfulness techniques and practices but also giving me an opportunity to find my True Self
Lucy, 2023
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Why choose THIS course?
Beyond Mindfulness Courses ® has been developed by, and delivered by professional Psychotherapist and International Mindfulness Trainer, Carmel Farnan, who is also a Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society, MBPsS. She is the founder of the Irish, British, Australian and International Mindfulness Academies. Throughout her thirty years of teaching, spanning the areas of Psychotherapy, Psychology, Mindfulness, Meditation, Yoga, Dietetics, Spirituality and Energy Work, she has helped course attendees to awaken, and develop increased consciousness and awareness, which has been described as 'life-changing' in very many course testimonials.
This course offers a journey into the 'Deep Road of Mindfulness', and using this journey to reconnect with that True Essence within. Part of this includes learning how to use Thought in the correct way, helping us reconnect with that Real Self inside. Through this connection with the Core Self and this increased consciousness, we awaken to our True Spiritual Path, whereupon we can now walk this path, and live from the inner guidance of this True Self.
Walk and Live on Your
Spiritual Path
Increased Consciousness/Awareness
Course Booking - Sign up for next available course now!
March 2024 - Early Bird Price £99. Full Course fee £149.
This course is delivered via Zoom and runs from 10am to 4pm. There will be a 45 minute break at 12.30pm.
Remainder of 2023 course dates to be advised.
Select either 'Buy Now' buttons to unlock the course for yourself for the
all-inclusive fee of £99.
* Please ensure that you are aware of the Terms and Conditions when booking a course with the British Mindfulness Academy